Dr. Sergi Saurí Marchán


Dr. Sergi Saurí has been the Director of CENIT since 2013. He also serves as Lecturer (part time) at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of UPC-BarcelonaTech and at the Tecnocampus of Pompeu Fabra University. President of the University Network RUITEM (Ibero-American University Network of Territory and Mobility). He holds a PhD in Civil Engineering from UPC- Barcelona Tech and a Bachelor in Economics from the University of Barcelona. He also holds a Master’s Degree in Shipping Business from UPC-Barcelona Tech.

Currently he is member of the Infrastructure Committee of Infrastructure Financing of the Professional Association of Civil Engineers of Catalonia and previously he was member of the Board Committee of this association. He previously served as Assistant Professor in Transportation at UPC and Director of the Master in Supply Chain, Transportation and Mobility at the same institution. His PhD thesis on Optimization of Regulation for Public-Private Partnerships in Container Port Concessions was awarded the IV Abertis Transport Infrastructure Management Award and he was a Visiting Scholar at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 2008.

An expert in the areas of the transport modelling and transport economics, he is the author of a variety of scientific publications and has led multiple projects in both the public and private sectors.

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