Practical procurement guide for public transport buses
CENIT aids call for municipal action on urban mobility with practical procurement guide for alternative bus technology
Barcelona Port introduces a new methodology to reflect real time emissions
A new methodology to quantify ship emissions in the Port of Barcelona reduces the emissions of the most contaminating ships.
CIMNE receives the Severo Ochoa accreditation
The International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering has received the Severo Ochoa accreditation.
EU funded project LASH FIRE aims to improve ro-ro ship fire safety
Project partners from 13 EU Member States investigate cost-efficient measures to mitigate the risk from ro-ro space fires.
CENIT participates in the presentation of the transport digitalization observatory
The transport digitalization observatory, impulsed by the Centre for Transportation Studies for the Western Mediterranean (CETMO), has been presented in a session inaugurated by Damià Calvet, councelor of the Territory and Sustainability Department of Catalonia....
CENIT Participates in MoTiV round table
Our Project Manager, Eglantina Dani, participates in a round table about Mobility behavior data analysis: current trends and future opportunities. Marc Torrent from @Eurecat_news moderates the discussion. @MoTiV_Project workshop Check out in twitter>
CENIT participates in LASH-FIRE
CENIT will participate in LASH-FIRE, a European project on fire risk prevention in the loading of RO-RO ships together with important European shipping companies and research centers. The main objective of CENIT in the project is the creation of software that allows...
CENIT participarà a la jornada sobre la digitalització del transport
El proper dia 19 de setembre tindrà lloc la jornada sobre la digitalització del transport, organitzada per la fundació CETMO, on hi participarà el CENIT. Durant la Jornada s’analitzaran i debatran els impactes de la digitalització en el sector i es presentarà...
CENIT presents Intermodel Project at SIMULTECH 2019
CENIT participated at the International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH) held in Prague on 29 - 30 - 31 July 2019. CENIT researcher Eglantina Dani presented a demonstration of the Intermodel Project (...
CENIT presents in MHCL 2019 congress
Last 1st and 2nd July 2019, CENIT presented in MHCL Maritime and Port Logistics Bar Conference (Bar, Montenegro). Two papers were presented "Short Sea Shipping: An analysis of European promotion programmes from 2005 to 2015" speaker África Marrero and "Muti-Criteria...
Researcher Domingo Peñalever Published Doctoral Thesis
Dissertation of the doctoral thesis “Intergenerational Redistributive Effects Due to the Financing Formula of Investments in Transport Infrastructure Financing. A Microeconomic Analysis”
CENIT signs Letter of Intent in South Korea
CENIT signed a Letter of Intent to work on the Smart City Challenge project with the government of the City of Suwon, in South Korea for the devlopment of a Smart City district in Suwon with sustainable mobility options and increased accessibility of the...