Client: Puertos del Estado
Dates: 2012-2013
The objective of this project is to identify the operators that currently provide towing and cargo handling services at ports of general interest and to evaluate their position in the port business.
In order to reach the objective, an analysis of the companies pertaining to the shareholders of the company holding the concession or license was carried out. This analysis has been based on the graph theory (network analysis) and economic and industrial organization theory. Also, ad-hoc indicators have been defined in order to reflect the market characteristics.
Therefore, an evaluation and identification of those markets that operate in free competition has been done, distinguishing between inter-port and intra-port competition, and other markets where there is market power by those operators with higher market shares.
The results are specific for each port service and markets within each of these, highlighting, for instance, companies with more power and influence with higher market shares. Also, horizontal and vertical integration situations are identified.