Client: Barcelona de Serveis Municipals (B:SM)
Dates: 2014-2016
The objective of the study is to define the behaviour of the on-street parking demand of Barcelona and to classify the different users, zones and time frames regarding parking. The parking policies are one of the main components of the mobility management, because of the influence of the parking supply and parking price in the use of private vehicles. It is relevant to define the determinant factors (e.g. socioeconomic characteristics, trip reason or parking time) and the way they affect the different management elements (price, supply, time frames, transport alternatives, economic activities, etc.) to define appropriately the parking demand.
The assignment addresses the main issues of the policy framework related to parking. This concerns the implementation of mechanisms that will support the regeneration of urban areas like the city centre and the restriction of vehicles to improve the environmental quality of the area and promote sustainable modes.
This project was implemented to support I+D+i department of B:SM. The demand study and the estimation of the demand model will be implemented in the management of the AREA service (the regulated area of on-street parking).
CENIT provided the following services:
- Review of the existing demand studies and European policies regarding parking.
- Identification of relevant data and restrictions of parking demand modelling in Barcelona.
- Treatment of parking meter transactions and ApparkB payments (app to pay parking with a smartphone), together with mobility, activities and land use data of the city (BigData)
- Definition of a methodology to identify the saturated areas using parking meters transactions.
- Development of a survey to users of ApparkB app and diagnostic of the behaviour of actual parking demand.
- Elaboration of an on-street parking demand model, obtaining elasticities of the demand to price, time and other relevant factors.
- Set of criteria for the selection of the policies to be implemented in the regulated parking area according to different objectives.