Client: Puertos del Estado
Dates: 2015-2016
Participants: CENIT, Facultat de Nàutica de Barcelona (FNB)

This project aims to analyze the conditions of competition regarding the prices and the quality of the port services (pilotage, towage and mooring) of the competitors of Spanish ports. In particular, it aims to analyze the management and operation of the pilotage, towage and mooring services, make a price comparison from silhouettes of costs and evaluate indicators to quantify the efficiency and productivity of each service.

In order to reach the objectives, the following tasks have been done:

  • Identification of the current legislation and the responsible bodies for each port/country.
  • Analysis of the tariff structures and identification of the companies providing technical-nautical services, including the number of human and material resources of these companies or groups that offer the services.
  • Analysis of the concentration of licenses / concessions for each port and the duration of these contracts.
  • Quantification of the price of port services for the selected ships.

This has enabled to make a qualitatively assessment of the competitiveness of technical-nautical services in the Spanish ports by the comparison with the main foreign competitors ports.

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