Ongoing Research Projects

LASH FIRE - Legislative Assessment for Safety Hazards of Fire and Innovations in Ro-ro ship Environment

The project LASH FIRE (Legislative Assessment for Safety Hazards of Fire and Innovations in Ro-ro ship Environment) aims to develop maritime fire safety solutions with innovative technologies, operations and applications. The consortium is coordinated by RISE Research Institutes of Sweden and comprises 26 partners from 13 Member States of the European Union, including industry partners, research institutes, universities, regulatory bodies, trade associations and experts in communication and external relations. LASH FIRE will provide a basis for the revision of international maritime regulations and gives European industry knowledge to build safer and more competitive ships for sustainable transport. The European Commission, via its research and innovation programme Horizon 2020, invests 12.2 million euro in LASH FIRE over 4 years, starting in September 2019.
Client: European Commission
Period: 01/09/2019 – 31/08/2023

Technical support for the Subgroup on Sustainable Ports and for its experts group, the European Ports Forum

The European Ports Forum Expert group was set up to facilitate the work of the European Commission in ensuring the uniform implementation of Regulation (EU) 2017/352 which establishes a framework for the provision of ports services and common rules regarding the financial transparency of ports. The EU Ports Forum brings together Member States and stakeholders related to the port sector, advises the Commission and serves as a forum of discussion regarding the initiatives put forward which contribute to the priorities set in the Valletta Ministerial Declaration of 10 April 2017 on the EU Maritime Transport Policy until 2020.
Client: DG MOVE
Period: 01/12/2018 – 01/12/2020

Convenio entre la Autoridad Portuaria de Barcelona, el CENIT y la Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña para la financiación de una ayuda predoctoral

El objetivo de la tesis doctoral es desarrollar una investigación sobre el «puerto del futuro».
Cliente: Port de Barcelona
Period: 28/07/2018 – 28/07/2021


Interreg-MED integrated project, related with interregional electromobility. It aims to develop “Sustainable Electromobility Plans” with common standards.
Client: Interreg Mediterranean Programme
Period: 01/02/2018 – 30/12/2021

Study on the physical accessibility of the outermost regions (OR)

The final purpose of this study is to provide a list of most needed future transport projects, which will improve significantly the connectivity of the OR. A large project pipeline, covering air and maritime transport, shall also indicate the possible sources of funding, budget and relevant stakeholders to be involved.
Client: DG MOVE
Period: 01/11/2017 – 01/11/2018

Diagnostic Tool for Urban Transport

The project aims to create a more formal diagnostic Tool, which would first cover urban transport infrastructure as a pilot sector. The Tool could then later be expanded to include other relevant sectors which may include water, wastewater, and waste.
Client: IFC
Period: 01/12/2017 – 01/04/2019

EMBLEMATIC- Mobility Simulation Tool for the City of Barcelona and traffic light optimization

The objectives of the project are the development of a decision-making tool (simulation tool) to improve the mobility of Barcelona and traffic light optimization. It will provide a framework for the evaluation of the mobility measures to achieve sustainable mobility. On the other hand it will allow a better traffic light regulation to improve public transport, private vehicle, pedestrian and bicycle mobility.
Period: 28/04/2017 – 28/04/2019

Taxi observatory studies

Analysis of the taxi sector at the Barcelona metropolitan area level in order to determine operational and economic indicators to evaluate the service. The contract includes a survey to determine the hourly offer of taxis and other key figures.
Client: Institut Metropolità del taxi (AMB)
Period: 01/01/2017 – 01/01/2018

Proposal for workplace parking levies

The project aims at reaching a diagnosis of the impact of employer-provided parking on the mobility of the area of Barcelona and, based on this, assessing several proposals for the implementation of workplace parking levies.
Client: Autoritat Metropolitana del Transport (ATM)
Period: 01/09/2016 – 01/09/2017

INTERMODEL - Simulation using Building Information Modeling Methodology of Multimodal, Multipurpose and Multiproduct Freight Railway Terminal Infraestructures

The project aims to develop a methodology and set of ICT tools in order to allow an advanced simulation of railway intermodal logistics platform models to support tasks related with design and operational phases.
Client: Horizon 2020. European Union Funding for Research and Innovation
Period: 2016 -2019

New Paradigm for Urban Mobility in Barcelona - Limits of Modal Changes

A travel behaviour model including all these new factors to analyze the mobility changes in Barcelona and to foresee the impact of new mobility solutions on modal share.
Client: Volkswagen
Period: 01/09/2015-31/08/2018

GrowSmarter: transforming cities for a smart, sustainable Europe

GrowSmarter brings together cities and industry to integrate and demonstrate ‘12 smart city solutions’ in energy, infrastructure and transport, to provide other cities with valuable insights on how they work in practice and opportunities for replication.
Client: European Commission
Period: 01/01/2015-31/12/2019

REG4SSEA- Estrategias regulatorias para fomentar el transporte sostenible a través del Short Sea Shipping

El proyecto pretende cubrir el vacío formal detectado en sistemas de evaluación de regulaciones orientados al SSS mediante la construcción de modelos en teoría de incentivos que caractericen las relaciones económicas entre los principales agentes involucrados en el SSS, que permitan, posteriormente cuantificar el impacto de las medidas regulatorias en cuanto a su comportamiento socioeconómico y establecer un catálogo de medidas y recomendaciones a las autoridades competentes como base para futuras regulaciones.”
Cliente: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
Period: 2017-2019
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