Muhammad Tabish Bilal

Visiting Researcher | PhD candidate at University of Genoa, Italy

Muhammad Tabish Bilal is a Transportation Engineer and currently a Doctoral Candidate at the Italian Center of Excellence for Logistics, Transportation and Infrastructure (CEILI), Universita Degli Studi di Genoa, Italy. He completed his Master’s in Transportation Engineering with a specialization in transportation systems as a Scholar at Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary.

His core research interests are transportation planning, traffic flow simulation and travel demand modelling for sustainable urban mobility with the inclusion of new forms of mobility such as Autonomous vehicles and micro-mobility modes. He worked on optimization of the public transport demand model for the city of Karlsruhe, Germany and also recently developed a transportation model for the city of Genoa, Italy with the inclusion of autonomous vehicles.

While serving as a visiting researcher at CENIT, he is up to the task of modelling micro-mobility modes in combination with public transport for the city of Barcelona to reveal the vulnerability of the system.

On the professional front, he served as a Research Officer Transportation with the Urban Sector Planning and Management Unit (USPMU) Government of Punjab, Pakistan as well as with United Nations Development Project (UNDP) Pakistan.

Also worked as an Estimation Engineer at Construction Solutions – Total Bid Data ( New York) on more than 15 US projects.

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